How to post your theme in the forums

by on Mar.14, 2011, under General

There are a lot of ways to post, this is one of them

We need:
– A account.
– Your Theme
– A Megaupload, Mediafire, or similar account.
– Screenshots

Step 1: First we need screenshots, if you know how to take screenshot, go to step 2

First put the screen how you like, with context menus, Explorer opened, with a picture or your sister…. you decides, and press Print Screen button, in normal keyboards at the right of F12 isn’t F11.
Now go to Paint and paste:

Go to save and save it as jpg:

After saved the image will be in the selected folder:

Step 2: Upload to Megaupload or Mediafire (if you know go to step 3)

Ok, is not hard, but it’s necessary, first go to MU, create and login to your account and upload your file, go to search, select your file, a description and send:

After you will get an url, it’s important save it:

Step 3: Fill all data to create a new post in the forums (if you know go to step 4)

mmm, watch the image:

Step 4:

if you knew all I wrote, congratulations, I stole you 40 seconds of your live.

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